"We want to help especially SMEs to advance new products and innovations," said Dr Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics. Up to EUR 2 million are available for individual co-operation projects. The scheme also lends support to R&D projects involving several companies and with research institutions or universities. Then, innovative approaches can be put into practice and influential future technologies "Made in Hamburg" are created.
City of Hamburg and ERDF's "Profi Transfer Plus" funding scheme boosts clout of regional companies
Companies in Hamburg can now avail of EUR 12 million in funds from the "Profi Transfer Plus" funding scheme for their R&D projects. Launched by the City of Hamburg and the European Regional Development Fund, the funds are available until 2027.
Up to EUR 2 million for individual projects
Hamburg expanding innovative corporate strength
Twenty R&D projects by Hamburg-based companies e.g., the Galab service laboratory, Nachtblau video production, and the University of Hamburg as well as the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) received ERDF funds between 2014 and 2020. The joint projects have strengthened Hamburg as a centre of business and innovation, according to Ralf Sommer, CEO of Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank.
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