"You need courage and curiosity from everyone involved to carry out a project of this magnitude. Entirely new paths are being taken together. It is a matter of rethinking, letting go and allowing learners to make mistakes, which are a natural part of the process," said Ties Rabe, Senator for Schools and Vocational Education. A maker hub has already been set up in the Stockflethweg primary school in north Hamburg. The headmistress, Susanna Eckhoff, noted: "It is an open, non-judgemental learning space where the children find tools, technology and materials for project-based, problem-orientated work."
Around EUR 500,000 in funds are to go towards so-called maker hubs in eleven primary and secondary schools across Hamburg, a press release said Monday (November 21, 2022). The hubs will be equipped with computers and digital technology to allow pupils to programme robots, use 3D printers or record podcasts and videos. The scheme is part of a drive to hone skills needed for the future and to serve as models for other schools.
Problem-orientated learning in open learning spaces
New learning concepts in curricula
The learning concept is based on the principles of maker education and the 4C model of learning, i.e., communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. The hubs feature discussion and experimentation corners to boost work on projects. The digital workshops will be set up in eleven schools initially. Plans laid in September 2021 foresaw the completion of the maker hubs by the end of the school year 2022/2023 and their launch in other schools. Each school will receive EUR 35,000 in funds and support with long-term inclusion in the curriculum.
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