"The federal funding will help us to complete one of the most complex sections with a total of five bridges to a high standard," said Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport. The 1.9-kilometre stretch on the island of Wilhelmsburg gives access to the new districts of Wilhelmsburg Rathausviertel and Elbinselquartier. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2022 and is due for completion in 2026.
The German Ministry of Transport is putting EUR 8.6 million towards the Hamburg to Lüneburg cycle path. Nine regional cycle paths stretching over 300 kilometres should make cycling more attractive for commuters and boost the transport transition.
Section in Wilhelmsburg
Fast cycling fast lanes
The high-speed cycle network will connect Hamburg with Bad Bramstedt, Ahrensburg, Geesthacht, Lüneburg, Stade, Elmshorn and Tostedt. The new cycle paths will be particularly wide and mostly without intersections and traffic lights as they are separated from traffic, Cyclists will be able to cover distances faster and more comfortably in future.
The plans foresee only one set of traffic lights on the 8.2 kilometre stretch from Harburg to HafenCity which lies on the Hamburg-Lüneburg cycle path, according to Tjarks. "That route can then by cycled in 20 to 25 minutes, making it an attractive alternative for many commuters," he pointed out.

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