"We believe that our era needs smart and creative minds from all walks of life. Otherwise, we run the risk that the perceived gap between 'those up there and us smaller people down here' will grow ever wider. And we don't want that," said Sören Bauer, initiator of the conference. The aim is to bring together around 40 economic experts, scientists, politicians, media representatives, citizens and celebrities in various round of discussions. Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg is the patron of this year's summit.
The Bucerius Law School is gearing up to host this year's EuroMinds business summit from August 6-8 in Hamburg following its successful launch in 2020. The conference links up business, politics, science and media companies and will focus on Europe's role in overcoming the COVID-19 crisis, novel mobility concepts and the changing world of work in the wake of the pandemic. Delegates will discuss the "big questions of our time," according to the organizers including the weekly news magazine Focus.
Face-to-face panels
Energy transition, digitalisation and future of mobility
Christiane Woopen, Chair of the European Ethics Council, former German President Christian Wulff and former EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger are among those expected at the summit. Panels on the first day will highlight increasing political division in Europe, the future of mobility and the economic consequences of the coronavirus-induced crisis. The focus on the second day will turn to climate change, energy transition and the future of digitalisation and education. The entire EuroMinds schedule can be found on: https://www.eurominds.de/tagesprogramm/wirtschaftsgipfel/.
Sources and further information
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