The system was presented during the ITS World Congress for Intelligent Mobility Systems in Hamburg. "HVV Any is an absolute milestone for public transport in Hamburg and above all a great improvement from the customer's point of view. It couldn't be simpler, better and, in the truest sense of the word, cheaper. This really whets the appetite for the mobility transition," said Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport, during a test run with Anna-Theresa Korbutt, HVV Managing Director and Henrik Falk, CEO of Hochbahn. Korbutt noted: "We are creating an ingenious digital solution for the complex HVV fare system. HVV Any is a great relief especially for people who do not travel by bus and train every day."
The HVV is to launch its new "HVV Any" digital ticketing system that calculates the cheapest fare for its customers from next spring. Hailed as a "ticketing revolution" and under the motto "Ride first, pay later", passengers just have to check HVV Any using the HVV Switch app for mobile phones. All transfers and check-outs are registered automatically. The cheapest ticket is calculated from all the combined journeys at the end. Ticket types and zones are likely to become a thing of the past.
HVV Any for mobility transition

Almost all transmitters retrofitted
The innovative system is made possible by so-called beacons - transmitters that are attached to the doors of buses, trains and stations. They serve as precise location markers in the system and can be recognised by mobile phones. Almost 2,700 vehicles and over 50 stations as well as all ferries in the HVV area have already been equipped with beacons and more are to follow. HVV Any will launch next spring in greater Hamburg and will be available for all buses, underground and suburban trains, DB Regio trains, Metronom, Nordbahn and AKN, as well as HADAG's ferries.
Sources and further information
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