"Our city will become even more efficient with more women on the boards and on supervisory bodies. We will continue to work jointly towards that goal. The current figures encourage us to ensure equal participation of women and men in Hamburg's bodies," said Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Equal Opportunities. Urban bodies with four members maximum are to be staffed by at least one woman or man. Bodies with up to six members are to be staffed by at least two women or men, and those with eight by at least three women or men. For bodies with more than nine members, a quota of at least 40 per cent is to apply in each case.
The proportion of women on the boards of municipal companies' supervisory bodies in Hamburg continues to rise and was just under 37 per cent as of July 1, 2020, according to the latest report on the Hamburg Board Appointment Act (Hamburgischen Gremienbesetzungsgesetz). The figure has improved significantly in recent years from 28 per cent in 2014 and 28 per cent in 2016. The proportion of women in the collegial decision-making and advisory bodies also rose by four percentage points to around 39 per cent in the period surveyed.
Regulated minimum quotas
Proportion of women on boards - quota to increase further
Despite the positive development, 31 of 74 public companies and municipal holdings have not yet reached the envisaged minimum quotas. "Clearly, we must continue to progress towards equal representation in public companies," said Fegebank. The next survey on the Hamburg Board Appointment Act is to be conducted in 2024. The current report summarises the figures for 74 supervisory bodies as well as 134 collegial decision-making and advisory bodies in Hamburg.
Sources and further information
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