Founders gain access to expertise in a closed network. Registration is free of charge. GWD's basic principle has not changed and will continue to optimally promote the business potential of start-up ideas. Commenting on the relaunch, Ayhan Saka, Project Manager of Gründungswerkstatt Deutschland, said: "This is done through networking, collaborative work and the involvement of expert advice from the chambers."
The Gründungswerkstatt Deutschland (GWD) is to relaunch as Germany’s first first nationwide social network for founders and young entrepreneurs. Launched in 2010 by Hamburg’s Chamber of Commerce (IHK) as an online digital workplace for self-employment, more than 140,000 founders have already used the tool to plan start-ups and to discuss their ideas with experts.
Focus on networking
Community spirit
Users can find a personal feed on the start page including the latest news from their groups, reports from regional networks as well as know-how on diverse issues and can forge ties all over Germany. "Establishing new contacts, searching for suitable joint founders or exchanging experiences - i.e. community building - becomes even easier," Saka noted. This is supplemented by typical social media functions and a push service. A media library is to follow in the next weeks. Young entrepreneurs can avail of other founder's expertise in free webinars and interviews. However, GWD's main focus remains on drafting professional business plans. Founders can collaborate on the same business plan or in a project. New templates and outlines are now available for this purpose.
Sources and further information
Gründungswerkstatt Deutschland (GWD)
The Gründungswerkstatt is a brand of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Chambers of Crafts (HWK). It is considered a secure platform for making business ideas a reality. Initiated by Hamburg's Chamber of Commerce, founders can work on their business idea nationwide and as a team. They are supported by experts with the chambers or the participating regional business development agencies. Founders can share their business plan, financial plan or documents with their consultant, bank or investor, if needed.
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