"Alongside research and teaching, the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology is the main task of universities in Hamburg and an important catalyst of the city's viability in future," said Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science, Research and Equality. The scheme will help ensure that new start-up ideas and technological innovations find their way from universities to the economy. The projects in the latest phase of C4T include a virtual surveying ship, new drilling methods for aviation and an app to boost therapy for sufferers of mental illness.
The Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts has launched the second phase of the "Calls for Transfer" (C4T) funding scheme for university transfer projects beginning in July. Around EUR 600,000 will be put towards 20 out of 65 submitted projects ranging from a virtual surveying ship to robotic autopsies through 2023. Special emphasis will be on the practicality of the projects.
Importance of transfer projects
Wide range of funded projects
Lauched in 2018, C4T is sponsored by the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and in co-ordinated by Hamburg Innovation (HI). Researchers in all kinds of discipline can apply for grants of up to EUR 30,000 twice a year for their transfer ideas. Patents, business collaborations, spin-offs, socio-cultural projects and artistic exhibitions have launched thanks to the scheme in recent years. The next round of funding starts in September 2021.
Sources and further information
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