The pandemic has left its mark on many artists despite the resumption of artistic life in Hamburg, according to Dr. Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture, adding: "We want them to carry out new new artistic projects using the 'future scholarships' despite the difficult last few months. At the same time, we are paying tribute to them and showing them respect because they enrich our lives with their art." Of the 550 scholarships, 350 will be awarded to visual arts and 100 each to literature and music. Each recipient receives EUR 6,000 for projects in further education, research and design.
The Ministry of Culture launched Monday (August 2, 2021) 550 one-off future scholarships to help artists in the visual arts, literature and music cope with the repercussions of the pandemic, which has dealt the creative sector a severe blow. All the scholarships are worth EUR 3.3 million and are being provided by the Hamburg Cultural Foundation, the Fine Arts Association (BBK), the Landesmusikrat Hamburg as well as the ministry. Applications can be submitted until August 31, 2021 at the latest.
Funds for new projects
Scholarships to ease pressure
"Promoting artistic creation is crucial to contemporary art," said Bianca Müllner, Chair of the Board of BBK. Gesa Engelschall, Managing Director of the Hamburg Cultural Foundation, pointed out: "The 'future scholarships' allow artists to work on their projects in a concentrated manner and without pressure to produce." A jury of experts will decide on the recipients of the scholarships.
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