The collapse of the live music sector has had a "negative impact on the entire music industry ecosystem and brings challenges such as changed working and production conditions", according to IHM. Professional training is crucial for building up expertise, creativity and strengthening networks. The new scheme offers employees, managers and self-employed people individual qualification measures and further training in addition to tailor-made offers.
A free, further education scheme called "Hamburg Music Boost" will launch in late August to help musicians and other stakeholders in the industry after the hard blow dealt by the pandemic. Organised by the Interessengemeinschaft Hamburger Musikwirtschaft e. V. (IHM), the scheme will feature workshops on diversity and mental health and is funded by the City of Hamburg and the EU as part of the "Weiterbildungsbonus Plus" (Continuing Education Bonus Plus) scheme. Registrations are being accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
New impulses for industry
Mental health and diversity
The scheme begins on August 24, 2021 with a workshop on "Mental Health at Work" to give insight into work-related stress and illnesses and to shed light on the industry's inherent work-life dilemma. A later seminar entitled, "Introduction to the Concept of Diversity", will focus on the benefits of diversity for the music industry and integrating the concept into everyday working life. More information about the events and registration procedure can be found on the Hamburg Music Boost website.
Sources and further information
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