Commenting on the move, Dr Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media, said: "Reopening museums among the first places in Hamburg sends an important signal. Exhibition halls have shown the willingness and strength to keep operations up and running and to offer visitors attractive exhibitions." They meet all the requirements for making visits a safe cultural experience. Extensive hygiene concepts and contact tracking with e.g., the Luca app as well as rapid test and proof of vaccination will help ensure safety.
The Deichtorhallen Hamburg, the Altonaer Museum and the Hamburger Kunsthalle are among several state museums and exhibition halls reopening Tuesday (May 18, 2021) after the pandemic had forced many to shut their doors. A negative coronatest or proof of vaccination is the prerequisite for a visit. The testing requirement is to be waived from May 22, when more opening measures take effect and as long as the seven-day incidence remains stable and below 50. Visitors are advised to pre-book an appointment to avoid long waiting times. The measure is among many gradual reopenings approved by the senate in response to decreasing COVID-19 infections.
Mandatory hygiene concepts
Private museums and galleries
Open-air events are likely to be held again soon after the senate approved more financial aid for the cultural sector. Private museums and exhibition halls as well as galleries are also readmitting visitors again, but on different dates.
Sources and further information
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