"Hamburg is striving to establish north Germany as a hub of Germany's hydrogen sector," said Möller. Newfoundland is an ideal partner for the regional hydrogen strategy given the province's enormous reserves of renewable energy and potential to export green hydrogen, she noted. The agreement foresees sharing insights as well as business and academic expertise to build a global hydrogen sector over the next five years. The governments of Canada and Germany entered into a hydrogen alliance in August. Both countries and the regions of Hamburg and Newfoundland now hope to drive the energy transition through a green hydrogen sector.
The City of Hamburg signed Wednesday (September 28, 2022) a memorandum of understanding with the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador forging closer co-operation on hydrogen. Almut Möller, State Councillor, signed the agreement on Hamburg's behalf while Steve Crocker, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, signed on behalf of Newfoundland and Labrador. Representatives of the north German states of Hamburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein also signed an agreement on hydrogen during the H2 Expo and Conference, which was held simultaneous to Wind Energy Hamburg.
Hamburg to become international hub of hydrogen
Strengthening north Germany's hydrogen strategy
Representatives of the north German business development agencies also signed an agreement on even more co-operation and support for the hydrogen sector. The aim is to present the interests of the regional industrial networks to politicians on state and federal levels and to support stakeholders along the entire hydrogen value chain - from production to application - and to give the coastal region a cutting edge. The agreement is part of the North German Hydrogen Strategy to develop a hydrogen sector swiftly and to achieve climate targets.

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