"The employees of IFB Hamburg and those in the ministries have done a very good job. We have so far succeeded in securing liquidity and avoiding insolvencies," said Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics. The successful, combined emergency aid from the German government and the City of Hamburg has contributed significantly to alleviating the immediate economic hardship caused by the corona crisis to a large number of Hamburg's solo self-employed persons and companies.
The Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) has received around 65,000 applications for Hamburg's Corona Emergency Aid (HCS) since the start of the programme. Around 4,000 applications have yet to be clarified, according to IFB.
Successful programme
4,000 applications yet to be clarified
However, IFB Hamburg has noted incorrect and/or incomplete information in about 4,000 of the applications submitted. Thus, approval is still pending. "I hope that as many cases as possible can be clarified in favour of the affected parties. This requires the co-operation of applicants", said Dr. Andreas Dressel, Senator of Finance. "Yet, in view of attempts at fraud, we have to take a closer look at unresolved cases."
Clarifying unanswered questions
Over the next days, applicants who have not yet received Hamburg's Corona Emergency Aid will receive a letter from IFB requesting the clarification of certain questions by July 29, 2020 at the latest. Applicants have until August 31, 2020 to apply for corona bridging aid as Hamburg'a Corona Emergency Aid is being phased out.
Sources and further information
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