The protective shield has been repeatedly extended and consists of wide-ranging financial aid tailored to individual needs and to those of businesses, self-employed workers, associations as well as sports and cultural institutions. The City of Hamburg began managing the German government's special cultural fund on June 15.
The senate has drawn a positive interim balance 15 months after the launch of the Corona Protective Shield in Hamburg. More than EUR 2 billion in aid has been issued through the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) since March 2020 to pay rent, fees and taxes among other expenses. Tax relief of EUR 6.05 billion has also been provided since March 19, 2020.
Individual support
Federal aid
The German government has earmarked EUR 2.5 billion in special aid to relaunch cultural events in the coming months. This should also benefit smaller events that can only take place with reduced audience numbers owing to corona-induced hygiene regulations. The funds also cover cancellations of previously planned events and those hit by the pandemic.
Protective shield to remain
Bridging aid and grants for start-ups have been extended until the end of Q3. This comes after the senate agreed to keep the protective shield in place during the second half of 2021. Applications are also being accepted for the digital bonus, the hardship fund and aid to relaunch the city and centres. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture are preparing a new fund for interim use in the event of shop vacancies.
Sources and further information
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