Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO of Hapag-Lloyd, noted: “Africa remains an important strategic growth market. Particularly for our service offers to and from South Africa, DAL is a valuable addition allowing us to offer our customers a better network and additional port coverage in this region. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the DAL colleagues. With their broad experience and market knowledge, they will significantly support us to further grow in Africa." Hapag-Lloyd's carrier NileDutc has strengthened its presence and service offers significantly to and from West Africa and opened new branches in Kenya, Morocco and Senegal last year.
Hapag-Lloyd and German carrier Deutsche Afrika-Linien (DAL) signed a framework agreement Thursday (March 10, 2022) under which Hapag-Lloyd will acquire DAL's container liner business pending the approval of cartel authorities. . The Hamburg-based DAL specialists in the transport of containerised cargo and operates four liner services between Europe, South Africa and the Indian Ocean.
Africa - strategic growth market
History of DAL
DAL dates back to 1890. The company now has offices in Germany and South Africa and is represented by third-party agents in 47 countries. It employs more than 150 people in the liner business including agencies. DAL owns a 6,589 TEU cntainer ship and operates a container fleet of around 17,800 owned and leased containers, which will be taken over as part of the acquisition.
Sources and further information
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