"Our goal was to promote sustainable development at HAW Hamburg and to help meet the many challenges posed by climate change," said Leal, Chair of Climate Impact Management and Health at HAW. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wulf, Vice President of Research, Transfer and International Affairs, thanked Leal for his ongoing commitment and valuable expansion of scientific knowledge to address the climate crisis: "We are proud to have this internationally recognised research and transfer centre here at HAW Hamburg."
The Research and Transfer Centre for Sustainability and Climate Impact Management (FTZ NK) at HAW can look back confidently on 15 years of research for climate and sustainability, EUR 15 million in research funds raised, 370 publications and over 180 events. Founded by Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Leal in 2007, the incumbent director teaches at the Faculty of Life Sciences and counts among the world’s leading climate researchers.
Internationally recognised climate and sustainability centre
International research and knowledge transfer
The FTZ NK pursues five main goals namely carrying out research and holding events on climate and sustainability, strengthening international co-operation, transferring its own results to other countries and regions, and training students and PhD candidates, according to its anniversary brochure. The research centre co-operates with institutions in over 70 countries and recently launched the "Ukraine-Nature" research project on the effects of war on protected areas in Ukraine.
Sources and further information
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