Around 61 per cent of interviewees support the first relaxation measures announced by the German government on April 15, 2020. More than half welcomed the reopening of shops. However, the nationwide obligation to wear masks on public transport and in shops is proving divisive. Some 45 per cent of interviewees find the protective masks appropriate while 42 per cent say they are superfluous.
A representative survey of 3,599 participants conducted by the HEM service station chain (Deutsche Tamoil GmbH in Hamburg) found that the corona crisis is having a positive impact on everyday life press release said Wednesday. One in four Germans said they experience less everyday stress despite the ban on contacts with other people, online work and caring for children at home. People now spend the extra time going for walks, cooking, gardening and telephoning. More than half of the participants have changed their general attitude. A third of interviewees said they enjoy little things in life and look ahead positively.
Duty to wear face masks proving divisive
Germans showing solidarity
The solidarity, helpfulness and empathy shown by Germans is proving positive. Over 80 per cent of interviewees are supporting their local shops and restaurants in a targeted manner at present while 14 per cent said they shop for older people.
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