"By sharing knowledge and technologies, we can jointly develop innovative solutions that not only increase the efficiency of our port operations but also make an important contribution to decarbonisation and cyber security," said Meier. The partnership foresees, among others, joint pilot projects for more efficient port calls, sharing information on zero emission fuels and exchanging information on cyber security. The collaboration will be formalized through further agreements.
The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) and the Maritime and Port Authority Singapore (MPA) signed Thursday (September 26, 2024) a letter of intent on closer co-operation in digitalisation, decarbonisation and cyber security in the presence of Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg, who had led a delegation to Singapore. The letter of intent, signed by Jens Meier, CEO of HPA, and Teo Eng Dih, Chief Executive of MPA, marks the start of strategic partnership between the two port authorities. Their declared joint goal is to make the maritime industry safer, more sustainable and digital.
Goals of partnership
Asia now key trading partner
Asia is a key trading partner for Hamburg as evidenced by rising container handling. During the recent trip to Singapore and South Korea, Hamburg Invest and Enterprise Singapore also sealed an agreement on a joint work plan focussing on transport and logistics.
Sources and further information
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