The event hopes to create concrete climate-protection projects and to help climate-friendly companies and start-ups to addresses local political changes. The so-called challenges are a key part of the “Climathon”. Impact Hub Hamburg is looking for partners to address concrete challenges facing delegates and to come up with solutions. This will allow participating companies to define their climate goals in advance and to develop, test and prototype solutions with the other delegates.
The Impact Hub Hamburg is searching for partners to collaborate during Hamburg’s second 24-hour Climathon on November 13, 2020. Hamburg’s Impact HUB organises the Climathon, which is being funded by the Ministry for the Environment as part of the #moinzukunft campaign and targeting more climate protection in everyday life. The idea is to give small groups of delegates leeway to develop digital ideas for climate protection.
Working out solutions together
Positive hackathons
Launched by the Climate-KIC network for climate-friendly innovation across Europe in 2015, the Climathon has been held on the last Friday in October ever since. The aim is to limit the consequences of climate change and to create climate-resistant communities through creative solutions. The Impact Hub and the Global Goals Jam are organising another hackathon focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in September. This should attract organisations and companies that are active in other key sectors apart from climate protection.
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