The Metropolitaner Awards are presented under the auspices of the states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Hamburg to people, associations, foundations and companies who work for the good of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. "A look at Hamburg from the outside reveals not only the harbour, the Elbphilharmonie and Lake Alster, but the entire region with its many businesses, wonderful nature and many leisure opportunities. The award honours special achievements in and on behalf of the metropolitan region," said Dr Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg.
Metropolitaner Awards 2022 for exceptional commitment announced
The University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE), the "Ich kann Leben retten e. V." association (literally: “I can save lives.”) and Regionalwert AG Hamburg were honoured Tuesday (April 26, 2022) with this year’s Metropolitaner Awards worth EUR 2,500 each. The Schwerin-based HygCen Germany GmbH became the first recipient of a new prize for special commitment to recruiting skilled workers. Fifteen companies had been nominated for the awards. The ceremony in the Elbphilharmonie was attended by Dr Anjes Tarks, Hamburg's Senator for Transport, and Reinhard Meyer, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Minister of Economics.
Special achievements in Hamburg Metropolitan Region honoured
The UKE's Clinic for Intensive Care Medicine was honored in the category "People in the Region" following a public vote. Lutz Marmor, former director of NDR broadcasting, said: "Around 460 nurses in Hamburg and the surrounding region have shown great commitment and dedication to providing intensive care for seriously ill people. Over the past two years, this has included the care of coronavirus patients throughout the metropolitan region."
The initiative "Ich kann Leben retten e. V." was honoured in the category "Associations and Foundations" for its many years of voluntary first aid training in schools. Regionalwert AG Hamburg won the award in the corporate category. Founded as a citizens' joint stock company by 45 people and companies, around 1,500 people now work towards sustainable agriculture and food management goals to give small farmers and traders a greater chance over big industrialists.
New prize for recruiting skilled workers
The jury also presented a brand new award for special commitment to recruiting skilled workers this year. Dr. Rolf Strittmatter, prize donor and CEO of Hamburg Marketing GmbH, commented: "Searching for, finding and retaining talented professionals and skilled workers is one of the greatest challenges in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region today. We are honouring HygCen Germany GmbH, based in Schwerin, which is a very special company. It is not only a testing laboratory for medical products and disinfectants, but also fosters a multinational workforce thereby countering the shortage of skilled workers innovatively, actively and successfully."
The Metropolitan Award is an initiative of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region Business Advisory Council, which was launched with the north German states, municipalities, chambers of commerce and crafts and diverse civil society partners.

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