Residents of two Hamburg model neighbourhoods will in future be able to make use of the charging infrastructure to charge their electric cars reliably even without their own parking bay. Hamburg is one of the leaders in Germany with around 1,300 public charge points already available in the city. Nevertheless, it may happen that they are occupied when they are needed. The model project “Neighbourhood Charging“ was officially launched when two charging stations were connected up in the north of Hamburg (Hoheluft-Ost) in mid-August. Plans are in the works for more neighbourhood charging stations.
Model project for improved charging infrastructure in densely populated neighbourhoods
“Most charging takes place at home or at the workplace. But there is hardly any private charging infrastructure in densely populated urban areas,” Economy Senator Michael Westhagemann notes. “The concept ‘Neighbourhood Charging’ has the aim of offering residents a reliable option for charging their electric cars. This means that the shift to electric transport will also be possible in our 19th century neighbourhoods.” Residents and businesspeople will have exclusive access to the neighbourhood charging stations and will be able to book them for charging their cars. Two more charging stations, also using electricity generated from renewables, are to be erected at Goldbek in Hamburg-Winterhude.
The neighbourhood charging infrastructure in public areas is being implemented in the context of the Elbe (Electrify Buildings for Electric Vehicles) research project of the Business and Innovation Office, subsidised by the Federal Ministry for the Economy and Energy and developed together with the company Hysolutions and Stromnetz Hamburg (Hamburg electricity grid). The programme is being supervised by the DLR Institute for Transport Research in Berlin.
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