"The viability of Hamburg as a business centre and its innovative strength depend largely on whether we attract skilled workers to Hamburg or train them here," said Malte Heyne, Managing Director of the Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber of Commerce is holding a Meet&Match - Ahoy, training!" for would-be apprentices on June, 18, 2024 on the houseboat Kai 10 on the Mittelkanal in Hamburg. Around 35 companies across the state of Hamburg will present their businesses in a bid to find young professionals who are in short supply all over Germany. Around 1,580 vacancies are listed on the chamber’s website.
Bringing apprenctices on board
Great demand in key industries
Attracting new apprentices is crucial for Hamburg's economy. Wholesale and foreign trade companies, the healthcare sector and banks in particular are suffering from a shortage of skilled labourers. Yet, there is good news. A total of 1,505 new apprencticeship contracts were concluded by late March 2024. Last year, over 7,000 contracts were signed – a rise of 1.7 per cent over 2022. To build on this success, companies are resorting to various measures including job fairs. A series of Hamburg Internship Weeks will be held between July 18 and August 28, 2024 for teenagers aged over 15. During the summer, they can spend five days gaining practical experience in five different professional fields at five companies provided they register on time here.
Sources and further information
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