The Pop-up Circular Hub will be opened by Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, who will also present a study highlighting the potential for a circular, green economy in Hamburg. The Circular Hub Nord will present (November 24, 2023) keynotes and discussions on financing and promoting circular business models and innovations. The Circular Economy Office project will look at how office furniture can become circular (November 27, 2023). The Maker Slam on November 30, 2023 will give delegates an opportunity to present their projects, ideas and hacks, including robotics, synthesizer construction and designer jewellery. During the "Open Lab Starter Kit (OLSK) Build Workshop" a 3D printer can be built from a prefabricated kit (December 1-2, 2023). Later, the Moin & Machen event on December 5, 2023 will give entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their circular business models to transform the economy.
The Pop-up Circular Hub exhibition and event series gets underway Monday (November 20-December 7, 2023) in Jupiter Hamburg focusing on the circular economy, resource conservation and waste reduction. The agenda features panel discussions, workshops and keynotes on corporate sustainability strategies, promoting local products and bringing together circular economy players all over Hamburg.
Boosting potential for circular economy
Advancing circular economy
The circular economy has become a top priority for Hamburg, which was the first German city to join the global Fab City network in 2019. The German Institute of Urban Affairs selected Hamburg as a model in the "Circular City - Opportunities for Resilience and Value Creation" project to develop a strategy plan by early 2025 with the goal of a digital, circular economy by 2054. The Pop-up Circular Hub is another step towards the circular economy and is being realized by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Agriculture, Fab City Hamburg e.V., Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy and New Production Institute.
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