"Climate change does not stop at national borders. True to our motto 'Engineering to Face Climate Change", we are committed to working with our partners to network and train the best minds for a better world and to develop solutions together. The Global South and Ghanaian universities in particular are key to this," said Andreas Timm-Giel, President of TUHH. Both universities are keen to solving global challenges. "We can only find all solutions for climate change, sustainable strategies and technologies to protect our environment together," said Fegebank. TUHH will provide five German scholarships for African students and travel grants to attend conferences and for research stays.
The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana have signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" on closer co-operation lasting five years, a press release said Tuesday (October 8, 2024). The goal is to boost climate research and to develop synergies for sustainable solutions. The agreement was signed during a delegation trip led by Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science, Research to Ghana.
Collaboration focusing on climate research
Supporting students and researchers in Global South
The collaboration is part of TUHH's overall commitment to climate protection and strengthening the inclusion of the Global South. Europe's first United Nations University (UNU) Hub was recently established at TUHH. Founded in May, the UNU Hub on "Engineering to Face Climate Change" at TUHH serves as a focal point and a platform for active exchanges and collaborations between TUHH and UNU. The hub is linked to the Institute for Natural Resources in Africa at the United Nations University (UNU) in Accra. This collaboration will result in two more doctoral scholarships for students from the Global South.
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