The "Update Hamburg 2022" focuses on environment and climate, social participation, education and health. "The wealth of ideas shows us the enormous potential for social innovation that we have in Hamburg," said Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics. "Public authorities are frequently perceived as slowing down innovations. Update Hamburg is a great example of a different approach," said Frederic Penz, Manager of the Holistic Impact Incubator, which was on the jury alongside representatives of the Holistic Foundation and the Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND) e. V.
The Ministry of Economics and Innovation (BWI) has made EUR 1.5 million available for the “Update Hamburg 2022” social innovation scheme. A jury has selected 18 projects which will each receive EUR 100,000 maximum co-ordinated by the Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg). The scheme was created as part of the "Profi Impuls" funding guideline to broaden the reach of innovation, beyond technology.
Wealth of ideas for social innovations
Projects backed by Update Hamburg
The funded teams will meet at an event for entrepreneurs. Those selected include Goldeimer gGmbH which had entered its compostable nappies or Hamburger Windelwald project to reduce waste. The other successful applicants include Tausche Bildung für Wohnen Hamburg e. V. which offers young people a rent-free, shared room in exchange for private tuition to children from disadvantaged districts. The project "Zukunft(s) Bauer:innen" by the Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation has also received funding to boost gardening in the city.
Sources and further information
IFB Hamburg
The Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) supports housing and economic development as well as environmental protection and innovation projects. IFB Hamburg is the main point of contact for private individuals, companies and institutions in Hamburg and advises about all of Hamburg's funding offers and those of the German government and the European Union. More information can be found on:
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