These movers and shakers are passionate about Hamburg and boosting the city with their ideas and innovations. Our four-part series of video interviews highlights their objectives, plans, expectations and hopes. During our second interview, Tarek Müller, sketches a picture of the trade in future. Sustainability is a key issue for the shooting star of e-commerce. The founder and joint-CEO of the Hamburg-based unicorn, About You, set up his first company at the tender age of 16 – a company that should continue to exist without him. Müller is also keen on a sustainable circular economy, making vintage fashion sexy, and gives tips for building a business, he reveals his extraordinary plans for the period after About You.
Interview by Dr. Uve Samuels, Manager of Square Innovation Hub.
Sources and further information
Short CV
Tarek Müller, was born in 1988, and founded his first company, Netimpact KG, at the age of 16. Several other digital and e-commerce companies followed. In 2013, the Otto Group acquired some of his companies including Netimpact Framework GmbH. At the age of 25, Tarek, Sebastian Betz and Hannes Wiese founded the Hamburg-based e-commerce start-up About You.
About You
About You is one of Europe's fastest growing e-commerce companies and Hamburg's first unicorn with a company valuation of over USD 1 billion. By focusing on personalization, inspiration and mobile shopping, About You generated sales of EUR 724 million in its sixth fiscal year 2019/20, making it one of the largest online fashion retailers in Germany in 2020. About You GmbH is a company of Collins GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of the Otto Group.
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