Dalia Das, founder of Neue Fische, Dr. Anne Lamp, founder of Traceless, and Carolin Kunert, founder of Knister Grill will take part in an opening panel and offer advice on how to enter a funding round successfully. Other speakers include Heidrun Twesten and Marlis Jahnke (Equalizer podcast) with a talk on "Startups founded by women: underestimated, overperforming asset" and Lisa Dahlke (founder of Localyze) and Freya Oehle (founder of Dreitausendsassa) who will give insight into the "Dos & Don'ts when looking for investors".
The Female StartAperitivo is holding a free event for female entrepreneurs and their supporters in the north on November 10, 2021 in the run-up to Women's Entrepreneurship Day in Knust Hamburg on St. Pauli. The aim is to increase funding opportunities for women by creating access to investors and representatives of established companies and institutions. Women account for only 15 per cent of founders in Germany, according to the Female Founders Monitor, and they generated only 1.7 per cent of all private capital in the EU. Registrations are now being accepted online for the event.
Panels and talks with female founders
Start-up to pitch ideas
Six start-ups, five of which (Actitude, Phoenix Reality, Recyclehero, Tutaka and Matched.io) were selected from 15 entrants by an audience and jury vote on October 27, 2021 in the Eeden co-creation space, will present their business ideas in five-minute pitches. The Pink! start-up has secured a wild card. Initated by the Hamburg Investors Network at IFB Hamburg, the Hamburg Invest's Startup-Unit and the WEstartupSH. female start-up platform, Female StartAperitivo's event will take place under 2G conditions.
Sources and further information
IFB Hamburg
Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) is the development bank of the City of Hamburg and supports housing, economic development, environmental protection and innovation projects. IFB Hamburg is the main point of contact for individuals, companies and institutions seeking advice on funding offers in Hamburg and from the German government and the EU. More information can be found on www.ifbhh.de.
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