"The experimentation clause is a new means of commissioning companies and enables them to gain reliable practical experience quickly," said Jan Pörksen, State Councillor and Head of the Senate Chancellery. The senate can react appropriately to rapid developments in government technology. "In this way, we are creating a reliable legal framework for all those involved. Innovative technologies can be introduced swiftly into Hamburg's local government," said Andreas Dressel, Senator for Finance.
An experimental clause introduced in early 2024 for contracts worth up to EUR 100,000 allows the City of Hamburg to invite only one company to submit a tender. The city's GovTecHH unit must be involved and the contract must include the use of new technologies to update and digitalise local government and to test new technologies faster.
Gain practical experience quickly
GovTecHH's innovative digital solutions
GovTecHH was introduced by the City of Hamburg in 2022 to develop promising digital solutions for local government with technology companies, especially start-ups. Several pilot projects are currently being tested backed by GovTecHH, such as the demand-oriented distribution of charging points for electric cars and the translation of editorial content on the hamburg.de portal into easy language. Software robots automate procedures as part of the Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The Modul-F, a platform designed to enable the end-to-end digitalisation of administrative processes, won an award in the 2022 eGovernment competition.
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