"Hamburg offers ideal conditions for expansion, especially for high-growth start-ups with innovative services and products," said Dr Rolf Strittmatter, Managing Director of Hamburg Invest. Access to innovations and new technologies through start-ups and scale-ups is key to remain fit for the future as a city, according to Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer. That highlights the importance of the award-winning support schemes. The Senate Chancellery’s GovTechHH is the first point of contact for start-ups that wish to work with local government while Hamburg Invest's Scaleup Landing Pad lends its support to promising global start-ups and helps them develop their business.
The Hamburg-based GovTecHH start-up and the Scaleup Landing Pad won the Startup Ecosystem Stars Award presented by the International Chamber of Commerce and the "Mind the Bridge" organisation on Thursday (December 7, 2023) in Paris. The awards were presented in the categories "Startup Programmes" and "SME Support".
Elbe metropolis as catalyst of start-up culture
Promoting synergies and innovation
The City of Hamburg's digital strategy networks various stakeholders e.g., start-ups, established companies, R&D centres and local government thereby strengthening innovative power. The award-winning programmes were launched in 2022 to as models of improved collaboration and growth.
Sources and further information
Startup Ecosystem Stars Award
The International Chamber of Commerce and "Mind the Bridge", an organisation that provides consulting services and products for companies and start-up ecosystems, honors cities and regions that are building and driving innovation ecosystems.
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