"The many projects at the ITS World Congress, such as RealLabHH, have highlighted the innovative power that networks and collaborations can unleash," said Harry Evers, Managing Director of New Mobility Solutions. "It is precisely this momentum that we want to continue to use to make transport more efficient, climate-friendlier and safer." The aim is to improve national and international links to key stakeholders and to boost collaborations between public companies, urban partners, scientific institutions and authorities across Hamburg. Plans are being laid to develop supra-regional recommendations for action based on technological and innovation monitoring, to organise national and international events and to carry out strategic projects.
New Mobility Solutions, a company set up by Hamburger Hochbahn in early July, is expected to accelerate the digitalisation of the transport sector. The goal is to create a "competence hub for the digital mobility transition", according to Hochbahn. The company has resulted from a merger of "Hamburg Reallabor für digitale Mobilität" (ReallabHH) and ITS Hamburg 2021 GmbH to consolidate and develop the structures created for the ITS Congress last year and to attract more flagship projects and funding to Hamburg.
Focus on networks and co-operations
Pioneering role in digital mobility
Hamburg is now considered a pioneer of digitalisation in the transport sector. Around 65 ITS projects are currently underway in the Hanseatic city. More than 100 projects have already been completed and over 30 are in preparation. "As a digital model city in the field of transport, we are already implementing forward-looking kinds of mobility," said Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks. "Digitalisation offers us the chance to make mobility more connected and sustainable and to make the switch to public transport and cycling more attractive and safer."
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