
Maritime industry gets new job portal

10 May 2024
Aims to raise visibility of maritime companies

A new job portal has been set up to counteract the lack of skilled labour in the maritime sector, a press release said in April. Around 60,000 people are employed in such jobs i.e., warehouse logistics operators, engineers, pilots and barge operators in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region alone.

Vacancies and information

"We are lending support to our member companies via the job portal, which will be open to other companies later," said Axel Mattern, CEO of Hafen Hamburg Marketing e. V. Applicants can view a wide range of job vacancies and get information about companies on the new webpage. "Our main platform has an average of 5,000 daily visitors and gives the companies a great deal of visibility," he added.

Practical filter 

A filter on the job portal provides an overview of all the latest vacancies in the Port of Hamburg, ports across the metropolitan region and the hinterland. The list of jobs can be filtered by apprenticeship, dual study course, permanent position, profession and educational qualification.

Sources and further information

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