"As Germany's largest transhipment centre, the Port of Hamburg is ideal for demonstrating how the electrification of freight logistics can work," said Jessica Schneider, Director of Private Charging, MER Germany. The fast-charging stations have a capacity of up to 300 kilowatts and are designed for freight transport, and use only electricity from sustainable energy sources. The charging infrastructure can be expanded at any time to meet increased demand. MER and CGH now aim to advance the electrification of the Port of Hamburg and boost sustainable logistics for cruise ships.
Cruise Centre Steinwerder opens six fast-charging points - EUR 260,000 from German government
MER Germany has put six fast-charging points for trucks and tractors into operation in the Cruise Centre Steinwerder (CCS), a press release said Wednesday (November 6, 2024). The German Ministry for Digital and Transport has provided EUR 260,000 for the project, which is being managed by Cruise Gate Hamburg (CGH), a subsidiary of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), and IVECO vehicle manufacturer.
Electricity from renewable energies
Data on traffic flows and charging requirements
The project should yield more insight into traffic flows and loading requirements in future. "The testing and implementation of zero-emission transport by road is crucial to the port's efforts to boost decarbonisation and thus climate protection," said Friedrich Stuhrmann, Chief Commercial Officer of HPA.
Sources and further information
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