
Senate presents interim report on "Master Plan Crafts 2030"

9 July 2024
Monitoring by senate and Chamber of Skilled Crafts proves successful - challenges remain

The senate and the Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK) have presented an interim report on the "Skilled Crafts Master Plan 2030", a press release said Monday (June 24, 2024). The master plan, which was launched in spring 2022, aims to improve the framework conditions for 15,000 skilled trades companies with around 105,000 employees in Hamburg. The master plan helps them find sufficient space, attract young, skilled workers and to upgrade their companies.

Digitalisation helps recruit skilled workers 

"This first interim report on the 'Master Plan for Crafts 2030' shows that we have made progress on many important agreements," sad Hjalmar Stemman, President of the Chamber of Crafts. The focus is now on talent, skills and skilled workers, space for craft businesses, innovation and digitalisation, business development, sustainability and climate protection as well as on mobility and transport. Progress has been made with on recruiting skilled labourers and many projects have been extended. A new co-operation on integrating people with disabilities has also been reached. Initiatives such as the "European Digital Innovation Hub" and the "SME Digital Centre" are leading to more digitalisation and competitiveness among craft companies.

Potential for optimisation 

"However, clearly, more remains to be done in some areas to ensure that things progress for the skilled trades in our city," Stemmann pointed out. Training, digitalisation, commercial space and commercial transport are now top of the agenda. "We will continue to work hard on this together with a focus towards the future."


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