
Hamburg publishes 3D model of city

27 March 2024
Digital model contains over 380,000 buildings - milestone towards digital twin for Hamburg

Hamburg has released a 3D model of the entire city which was created on behalf of the State Office for Geoinformation and Surveying (LGV). The model can be viewed on Geoportal as part of the Connected Urban Twins project with Leipzig and Munich.

3D model to simplify planning procedures

Karen Pein, Senator for Urban Development, stressed: “The 3D model of Hamburg provides realistic impressions of buildings and the entire cityscape from different perspectives and levels of detail." The 3D model makes it easier for residents and local authoritites  to understand urban environment and lets them take a more active role in planning procedures.

Hamburg pioneering digitalised urban development

The 3D model gives planners another urban development tool. The model is “another step towards Hamburg's urban digital twin", according to Thomas Eichhorn, Managing Director of LGV. Other innovations such as a 3D project planner and the digital participation system DIPAS have already enhanced digitalisation in Hamburg

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