The tour gives insight into industry, economy and culture in Hamburg. It starts at the Museum of Work, the New-York Hamburger Gummi-Waaren Compagnie’s former factory and leads along the Osterbek Canal to the Alsterschifffahrtswerft shipyard. Other highlights include the Kampnagel cultural venue, once an important crane construction site, and the former Hinrich Voss margarine factory, which now houses a health insurance company. Historical buildings such as the Winterhude water tower and Barmbek hospital’s water tower are also part of the tour. Hamburg Hochbahn’s main garage in the former power station highlights key, regional transport infrastructure.
A new industrial heritage route through Barmbek-Winterhude has been developed in collaboration with the Historical Museums Foundation and the Museum of Work in Hamburg, a press release said Wednesday (14 August 2024). Visitors can discover 20 historical stops relating the city's industrial heritage. Four other routes already lead through cities in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
Stops on latest heritage route
Hamburg Metropolitan Region diverse cultural offers
The new route is part of a comprehensive project to make industrial heritage accessible. Since 2011, the "Days of Industrial Culture on the Waterfront" have been held every two years, offering guided tours and events focusing on industrial monuments in the metropolitan region. Neumünster, Schwerin, Lauenburg and Geesthacht have already launched similar tours to make these sights accessible. The routes illustrate the economic and cultural influence of regional industry. Another route is due to lead through Harburg.
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