As part of the "National Hydrogen Strategy" adopted by the German government in 2020, ITZ Nord will essentially be a new type of development, research and test environment in northern Germany especially for start-ups, founders and SMEs. The innovation centre will also develop regulations and standards and provide new services for hydrogen suppliers, manufacturers and developers. ITZ North, will be based in three locations, and is considered key to making northern Germany a stronghold of hydrogen.
German government backing: North German hydrogen centre for aviation and shipping soon to go ahead
The German government is putting up to EUR 70 million towards the ITZ Nord hydrogen centre for aviation and shipping until late 2024. This comes after the German Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) termed plans drawn up by Hamburg, Bremen/Bremerhaven and Stade "valid and feasible" in late May.
Targeting start-ups, founders and SMEs
Role of mobility and Hamburg
Commenting on Hamburg's role, Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics, said: "Hamburg continues to drive decarbonisation processes towards hydrogen. The location is also highly important in terms of aviation and shipping. We can now implement our integrated concept gradually because we can only ramp-up the hydrogen sector rapidly and successfully by working together."
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