The event focused in particular on the industrial park's energy supply against the backdrop of the energy transition. Both Hamburger Energiewerke GmbH and Hamburger Energienetze GmbH pointed out that companies will face considerable investments and a noticeable increase in operating costs. Thus, pooling resources and co-ordinating plans for the regional electricity and heat supply makes sense as well as carrying out projects jointly. The association will also focus on climate protection, sustainable mobility and forging an attractive working environment that strengthens co-operation between companies in and around the Volkspark.
Focus on future of energy supply for industry and commerce
More than 60 companies attended Tuesday (October 8. 2024) the opening of the new “Unternehmen am Volkspark" business association in west Hamburg. The "Shaping the Future Together"-themed association hopes to be better equipped for challenges in future.
Companies to intensify co-operation
Mergers in east and south Hamburg
Similar corporate associations of industrial companies already exist in Billbrookkreis, east Hamburg while south Hamburg has the "Wirtschaftsverein" or business association.
Sources and further information
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